April's Blog

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Look out world! June 4, 2010

Filed under: For Class,Random Thoughts — aprilasu @ 3:56 pm

Hey, look at me.  I’m blogging.  Suddenly my head is filled with random thoughts I feel like the world must hear.  Where to begin… Stay tuned.  I’m sure I’m on the verge of thinking of something witty and terribly clever to say.


5 Responses to “Look out world!”

  1. Karina Says:

    Riight! You lie you were forced to blog! hahaha

    SO I was thinking about that program you are taking what do you think of it?

  2. aprilasu Says:

    Alas, yes, I was forced to blog. Forced creativity…hmm…Ha!

    So far, I love the classes I have taken for my program. I will tell you, though, that the 2009 calendar year was the last year that they called it “Multimedia Writing & Tech Comms.” It has been shortened to be “Technical Communications,” now and I haven’t really compared the two programs to see what the differences are, if any. (It might just be a title change.) Perhaps it was due to budget cuts, and they are saving money on ink by having a shorter title to print on all of the degrees.

  3. Regi Says:

    You are always witty and terribly clever so I do not think you will have a problem with this whole blogging thingy…

  4. aprilasu Says:

    “Blogging thingy…” Cute. Maybe that is what I should have titled my blog. Love you Reg!

  5. Regi Says:

    Love you too chick…Miss you lots and lots….

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